Black Tourmaline– All Chakras (Capricorn)

Black Tourmaline, a member of the Tourmaline family, is a protective stone which repels and blocks negative energies and psychic attack. Black Tourmaline also aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or a space. Black Tourmaline will cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration. Use Black Tourmaline to protect against electromagnetic "smog" (i.e. cell phones, computers, etc), radiation, noise sensitivity and other such disturbances. Black Tourmaline can be used as an aid to remove fear and boost self-confidence. A popular metaphysical stone, Black Tourmaline is also great for grounding. It balances, harmonizes, and protects all of the Chakras. Black Tourmaline has a calming effect when needed, grounding flighty or scattered energies into the earth. Those who face challenges from negativity, frequent worrying, and/or OCD can work with Black Tourmaline to help heal these issues. Carry a piece of Black Tourmaline in your pocket to increase physical vitality throughout your day. Meditation with Black Tourmaline can enhance the integration of insights and visions into one's daily life. Physically, Black Tourmaline helps to strengthen the immune system, balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and detoxify the body. Black Tourmaline is very helpful when dealing with illnesses of the lungs such as bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia and Pleurisy.

Clear Quartz – All Chakras (All Zodiac Signs)

Extremely popular metaphysically, Clear Quartz is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals. Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. Clear Quartz protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain. Clear Quartz has been shown to enhance and strengthen the aura. As gifts from our Mother Earth, Clear Quartz comes to us with information for the higher self to assimilate in the process of one's spiritual growth. Clear Quartz is often used to cleanse, open, activate, and align all of the chakras. Since Clear Quartz absorbs energies very easily, it is important to clear these stones on a regular basis. In natural form, Clear Quartz Points radiate their energies outward, into the surrounding environment. Clear Quartz can be programmed with intention and kept in a central place to emit its helpful energies. Quartz Points naturally form in a 6-sided (hexagon) shape. The Sacred Geometry of a 6-sided Clear Quartz Point contributes to its ability to magnify energetic vibrations. Quartz are wonderful crystals to use with any type of meditation or energy work, including Reiki, table work, and Energy Grids.

Lapis Lazuli – Throat, Third Eye & Crown (Sagittarius)

The name Lapis Lazuli comes from the Persian Lazuward, “blue”. Prized for thousands of years, it was a favoured stone in ancient Egypt, where it was believed to lead the soul into immortality and open the heart to love. The royal stone, it was said to contain the soul of the gods. A metaphysical stone par excellence, Lapis Lazuli is a key to spiritual attainment. Enhancing dream work and metaphysical abilities, it facilitates spiritual journeying and stimulates personal and spiritual power. Possessing enormous serenity, Lapis Lazuli is protective. Alerting to psychic attack, it returns the energy to its source. This stone highlights the power of the spoken word and can reverse curses or disease caused by not speaking out. Harmonizing the body, emotions, mind and spirit, it brings deep inner self knowledge and multidimensional cellular healing. A powerful thought amplifier, Lapis Lazuli stimulates higher mental faculties and encourages creativity. This stone teaches the value of active listening and helps you confront truth, wherever you find it and accept its teaching. Facilitating expression of your own opinions and harmonizing conflict, Lapis Lazuli aids in taking charge of life. If repressed anger is causing difficulties in the throat, it releases these. This stone brings honesty, compassion and uprightness to the personality. A bonding stone in love and friendship, it dissolves martyrdom, cruelty, suffering, self-mortification and emotional bondage. Lapis Lazuli has a very powerful vibration.

Sodalite – Throat Chakra (Sagittarius)

Uniting logic with intuition, Sodalite opens spiritual perception, bringing the higher mind down to the physical. This stone stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands, harmonizes with the third eye and deepens meditation to understand the circumstances in which you find yourself. Instilling a drive for truth and an urge toward idealism, Sodalite encourages being true to yourself and standing up for your beliefs. Bringing about emotional balance, Sodalite transforms a defensive or oversensitive personality, releasing core fears and control mechanisms and integrating shadow qualities. Useful for groups, it brings harmony and solidarity of purpose, stimulating trust and companionship and encouraging interdependence. Sodalite clears electromagnetic pollution.

Red Jasper – Base & Sacral Chakra (Aries, Scorpio)

Known as the “Supreme Nurturer”, Jasper sustains and supports during times of stress and unifies all aspects of life. This stone facilitates shamanic journeys, dowsing and dream recall. Providing protection, it absorbs negative energy, balances yin and yang and aligns the physical, emotional, and mental bodies with the etheric realm. Bringing the courage to get to grips with problems assertively and encouraging honesty with oneself, Jasper imparts determination to all pursuits and supports during necessary conflict. This stone aids quick thinking, promotes organizational abilities and stimulates imagination, transforming ideas into action. Red and Brecciated Jasper provide gentle stimulation, grounding energy and rectifying unjust situations. Bringing problems to light before they escalate, Red Jasper makes an excellent “worry stone” for calming emotion. Placed under a pillow or next to the bed, it promotes dream recall. Stimulating the base chakras, cleansing and stabilising the aura, Red Jasper returns negativity to its source. It calms sexual aggressiveness, promotes sexual compatibility and enhances tantric sex.

Rose Quartz – Heart and Higher Heart Chakras (Taurus, Libra)

A stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, Rose Quartz is the most important crystal for healing the heart and the heart chakra. This beautiful stone promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds. Placed by your bed or in the relationship corner of your home, it draws love toward you or supports an existing partnership, restoring trust and harmony. Rose Quartz is the finest emotional healer. Releasing unexpressed emotions and heartache and transmuting emotional conditioning that no longer serves, it soothes internalized pain and heals deprivation, opening your heart so that you become receptive. Rose Quartz teaches how to love yourself and encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, invoking self-trust and self-worth. Excellent for trauma or crisis, Rose Quartz acts as a rescue remedy, providing reassurance and calm. This stone draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes. Strengthening empathy and sensitivity and aiding the acceptance of necessary change, it is an excellent stone for midlife crisis. Holding Rose Quartz enhances positive affirmations, the stone then reminding you of your intentions. Rose Quartz is a high vibration stone.

Green Agate – Heart & Sacral Chakras (Virgo)

A truth amulet in ancient Rome and a grounding stone with a powerful multilevel cleansing effect. Bringing about emotional, physical and intellectual balance, Agate stabilizes energy and harmonizes yin and yang. It can bring hidden information to light. Soothing and calming, this stone works slowly but with great strength. Agate facilitates acceptance of your Self and speaking your truth. Overcoming bitterness of the heart, it heals inner anger, fostering courage to start again. Encouraging assimilation of life experiences, Agate facilitates stable spiritual growth. In ancient times women would drink water in which a Green Agate had been soaked, to guard against sterility. Green Agate assists in resolving disputes, enhancing mental and emotional flexibility and improving decision-making. It assists with infertility, emotional trauma, self-confidence, concentration, perception, analytical abilities, aura stabilization, negative-energy transformation, emotional disease, digestive process, gastritis, eyes, stomach, uterus, lymphatic system, pancreas, blood vessels and skin disorders.

Amethyst – Third Eye, Soma, Crown & Higher Crown Chakras (Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini)

Promoting love of the divine, Amethyst encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Opening multidimensional awareness, it enhances metaphysical abilities and is an excellent stone for meditation and scrying. Sleeping with Amethyst facilitates out of body experiences, helps dream recall and assists visualization. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting it into love. A natural tranquilizer, Amethyst blocks geopathic stress and negative environmental energies. Harmonizing the physical, mental and emotional bodies and linking them to the spiritual, it purifies the aura. Amethyst is helpful for people about to make the transition through death and supports coming to terms with loss. This stone has a sobering effect on overindulgence and overcomes addiction. Beneficial to the mind, it calms or stimulates as appropriate, helping to feel more focussed, assisting assimilation of new ideas and connecting cause with effect. Amethyst enhances memory and improves motivation. This stone balances emotional highs and lows.

Carnelian – Base & Sacral Chakras (Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio)

Carnelian was beloved of the Egyptians, who believed that it assisted the soul on its journey and had great protective powers in the afterlife. They wore it to calm anger, jealousy and envy. A stabilizing stone with high energy, Carnelian anchors into the present reality and is excellent for restoring vitality. Carnelian has the ability to cleanse other stones. Imparting acceptance of the cycle of life, Carnelian removes fear of death and assists positive life choices. Useful for overcoming abuse, it helps you trust yourself and your perceptions, overcoming negative conditioning. Removing extraneous thoughts when meditating, it tunes daydreamers into everyday reality. A stone of abundance, it motivates for success in business and other matters. It's known as a stone of creativity, motivation, and courage, and is said to attract prosperity and good luck. Carnelian can be worn to enhance passion, love, and fertility. This mineral is also known as “Singer's Stone” because it brings clarity to the voice and encourages confidence in performers.

Amber – Solar Plexus & Throat Chakras (Leo, Aquarius)

Amber is not a crystal, being tree resin that solidified and became fossilized. With strong connections to the earth, it is a grounding stone for higher energies. A powerful healer and cleanser that draws disease from the body and assists tissue revitalization, Amber cleans and the environment and the chakras. It absorbs negative energies and transmutes them into positive forces that help the body heal itself. This stone provides a protective shield to prevent healers from taking on client’s pain and also protects against psychic vampirism. Amber assists with Altruism, memory, trust, wisdom, peacefulness, decision making, depression, vitality, stress, throat, stomach, spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver, gallbladder, joint problems, mucous membranes, wound healing and is a natural antibiotic.

Tiger Eye – Third Eye Chakra (Leo & Capricorn)

It is said that the Roman soldiers wore an engraved Tiger’s Eye to protect them in battle and it is still used as a protective stone. Combining earth energy with the energies of the sun, it creates a high vibrational state that draws spiritual energies to earth. Tiger’s Eye helps heal mental disease and personality disorders, deals with issues of self-worth, self criticism and blocked creativity and is excellent for people who are spaced out or uncommitted. Facilitating assertion and anchoring change into the physical body, this stone assists in recognizing talents and faults to be overcome and supports an addictive personality in making changes. Facilitating correct use of power, Tiger’s Eye supports integrity and assists in accomplishing goals. It differentiates between wishful thinking and what one really needs and assists in recognizing other people’s needs.

White Howlite – Third Eye, Crown Chakra (Gemini, Virgo, Aries, Sagittarius)

Howlite comes with a whole host of healing benefits that soothes the body, mind, and spirit.  Above everything it is an amazing calming stone, ever ready to slow down the heartbeat, cool calamitous tempers, and show the way of wisdom. Its gentle vibration connects and flows, raising awareness and granting clear vision.  Howlite also connects to the third eye chakra , the place of  infinite inner wisdom and deep heartfelt intuition. For those who are excited to explore the possibility of past lives, Howlite can also assist in bringing those details into focus. This stone is an exceptional absorber of stress and tension, making it an amazing tool to have at hand during moments that can feel pressured.  It invites an approach to the world with love and understanding and communication that doesn’t pour fuel on a flickering flame.  Howlite gives strength to deal with anger in a way that is far from inflammatory, while still ensuring boundaries and best interests are met. A highly competent cleanser of negative energy, Howlite eliminates bad vibes and keep you connected with the higher realms and path to purpose.

Citrine – All Chakras (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra)

A powerful cleanser and regenerator that carries the power of the sun, this is an exceedingly beneficial stone. Energizing and highly creative, it never needs cleansing. It absorbs, transmutes and grounds negative energy and protects the environment. It is particularly beneficial for attracting abundance and should be placed in the wealth corner of the house. Encouraging sharing what one has, it imparts joy to all who behold it. A useful stone for smoothing group of family discord, Citrine reverses self-destructive behaviour and assists in acting on constructive criticism. It promotes inner calm, allowing your natural wisdom to emerge and helps you move into the flow of feelings and become emotionally balanced.

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