The Triskelion Symbol

The Triskelion, Triskele or Triple Spiral is said to be the oldest symbol of spirituality. Its name comes from the Greek words “Tri” and “Skelos” meaning “three legs”.

This symbol dates back to the Neolithic era, as evidenced by its presence in the entrance of the 5,000-year-old Newgrange Passage Tomb in Ireland's Boyne Valley.

Artefacts and markings found in various ancient sites also show that the Triskelion became popular within the Celtic culture from 500 B.C. onwards. These artefacts are found in Ireland, as well as Europe and across America. 

The triskele is said to symbolize the whole process of always moving forward until one reaches a state of profound enlightenment and understanding. The spirals are also said to symbolize the inner and outer worlds and the themes of birth, death, and rebirth as well as the unity of mental, physical, and spiritual self. It also had a variety of meanings for early Pagans. One interpretation links the triskelion to the sun, triadic gods, and the three domains of land, sea, and sky as well as the Triple Goddess (maiden, mother, and wise woman). For the Celtic Christians, the symbol was used to represent the Holy Trinity. 

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