The Sacred Cubit Length (image of ancient Cubit Rod)

The Sacred (or Royal) Cubit is 52.4cm, creating a frequency of 144mhz

This unit of measurement is nothing new to us as it was used to build the great pyramids in Egypt, we had apparently forgotten that if one creates anything at all using units of this length, it has a magical effect on the environment around it. Goodness knows how different life would be today if all our modern homes had been built with this in mind.

The exact length of a Sacred Cubit was discovered carved into the stone above the entrance doorway in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid at Giza.

*the frequency mainly works on the physical and aspects of life

*helps materialize ideas, attracts abundance

*has a vertical energy field

*works well against pain

*helps with grounding

*elements of earth and water

*female energy

*works on the fourth Chakra (heart)

*connects beings with the earth

*works well at eliminating unhealthy energy fields

*neutralise WIFI radiation

*works perfectly against a polluted environment

I use the power of the Sacred Cubit Length to create copper wire Triskelion symbols and 1/2 Cubit Length spirals which are both wrapped in a clockwise direction increasing their strength. The Copper Wire Triskelion symbols are encased in all of my Orgonite pieces acting as a conduit, increasing the energy. The spirals are attached to my pendulum creations as a conduit, connecting from the higher realms, through the body and finger tips, energising the dowser whilst also helping to balance the pendulum when it is being used.

Please feel free to email me on with any enquiries.

Thank you


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